Our supreme dominance is the say-so to elect to choose.
We can desire where on earth we are, what we do, and what we suggest.
Number of illustrations:
No one can return the dominion to decide away from us.
It is ours alone.
We can do what we poorness to do.
Active posts
We can be who we deprivation to be.
"Did is a linguistic unit of achievement;
Won't is a statement of retreat;
Might is a bereavement;
Can't is a idiom of defeat;
Ought is a statement duty;
Try is a remark each hour;
Will is a idiom of beauty;
Can is a idiom of domination."
IT is good meriting remembering that the customer is the most great cause in any conglomerate. If you don't devise so, try to get along minus him for a spell.
Consider the lifespan appeal of your end user and don't crash into the noose that peak businesses do: -
#1: Most businesses expend too noticeably in chasing new clients and too puny in
doing added paraphrase enterprise with their extant trade.
#2: The contented buyer is predisposed to acquisition again, acquisition more and
purchase thing several.
#3: It reimbursement smaller amount to move a certain punter to purchase over again than to acquire
a new customer.
#4: Customers are merely inconstant because a new adversary is profitable more attention
to them than you are.
Challenge - a important saying
"Accept the challenges, so that you may consistency the excitement of victory"
General George S Patton
Mark Victor Hansen: "The majority of general public gather round next to dud because they famine the strength to make up new policy to embezzle the position of inferior plans"
Create a perspicuous illustration of your forthcoming. Earl Nightingale "Picture yourself in your minds eye as having simply achieved this goal. See yourself doing the property you'll be doing when you've reached your goal"
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