1031 exchanges are structured transactions that combine together the sale of an old property and the purchase of a new property with the aim of deferring taxes. It is possible to sell hard real estate, such as an office building or an apartment building, and buy mineral interests as replacement properties. Mineral interests can be exchanged for any other interests like real estates. Real estates could be something like an office building or an apartment building.

Production payments do not qualify for a 1031 exchange, because production payments are for services you perform in connection with extracting oil or gas from the ground. These payments are considered as ordinary income. The sales of working interests often involve the sale of the related equipment used in extraction. While the IRS allows one to transfer a minimal amount of equipment tax free, transfers of substantial equipment exceeding 15% of the sale price require the equipment to be treated as a separate exchange. Equipment exchanges have different rules in 1031 exchange.

The costs one incurred to drill and develop the well site must be recaptured to the extent that one does not acquire qualified natural resource property. In other words, if one sells a working interest and buys an office building, he would have to recapture the Intangible Drilling Costs (IDC) costs that have been previously deducted. Experts offer excellent options with expert exchange features. All of their exchanges are handled by a team of experienced attorneys. Choosing these licensed professionals ensures that the education, knowledge, and ethical standards of the team have passed rigorous testing. These attorneys check for real property use, identification, and exchange periods for mineral interests. Reinvestment requirement is another important issue in oil and gas investments.

Recent reports

The process of 1031 exchange for oil royalty can be started with just a telephone call or an e-mail to experts who specialize in 1031 exchanges. These experts maintain their profile through which they can be accessed for further discussion.

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