The March 17th news story reported by AP's writer Sarah Karush on the Christian march in Washington, D.C. against the war in Iraq is disheartening. Karush reported that thousands of Christians took to the streets and held prayer services and a candlelight march on the empty White House. A permit for 30,000 marchers has been issued for a march from the Vietnam Veteran's Memorial to the Pentagon.
In the United States people who claim that they are of the Christian faith represent 75% to 85% of the total population. Obviously we are talking in the hundreds of millions who claim to be followers of Jesus and the Christian Bible. The percent "on the march" should be embarrassing to the Christian faith.
Equally disturbing are some of the comments made by several of the marchers. One marcher said that his "opposition to the war developed over time." Another said that he "toasted the military might of the United States on the night of the attack" (against Iraq). A protester said that the war has been dominated by the religious "right," who have supported the war but that he is not how he reads the Gospels. A reverend added that, "This an offense against God."
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When the national sentiment was all in favor of the war in Iraq, barely a protest was heard. Now that public opinion has swayed in opposition to the war, we begin to religious rumblings. My take is that the Bible, actually all sacred religious texts including the Qur'an are opposed to violence and war. How does one proclaiming the Christian faith justify opposition developing over time$%: How does one claiming to be a follower of one of the most peaceful person to walk the face of the planet "toast the military might of the United States$%:" Is the claim "This war is an offense against God" imply that others wars are not$%:
Religion has been the cause or underlying reason for many of the world's ills. While on the one hand the teachings claim that the guiding principle is "love thy neighbor," it seems that a footnote should be added that says "If your neighbor is of the same religion." Time and time again religions have remained silent and even promoted war, persecutions, genocides, tortures and division among peoples. They were silent, and some say supported, the Holocaust. They have been silent in Darfur. They were silent in Rwanda. They have amassed great wealth while touting their charities. Is it any wonder why the younger generations are searching for a new spiritual experience$%: Religious leaders of times past always said that "you will know people by their works." If we teach by example, what kind of example are we setting for the world's youth$%:
History is only repetitive because for some reason, each generation loses sight of the lessons learned from those that preceded them. A fundamental issue is how do we communicate past lessons to our sons and daughters in a meaningful and effective way$%: Must each generation experience the errors of their fathers in order to learn$%: If we are to know followers of any religion "by their actions," there is little doubt that most faiths have any true believers. The so called, "Christian march for peace" is too little and way too late and is indicative of how many selectively practice the teachings of their founders.